Stearns Matthews

Voice Lessons with Stearns

“I came into working with Stearns with a voice that was unmanageable, but he never made me feel that way. Through the work we have done I can truly say for the first time I’m proud of how I sound.”

“ . . . one of the most knowledgeable, compassionate, and boundary-pushing industry professionals you could have the privilege of working with . . .”

“Stearns not only helped me find my voice, but helped me feel confident using it. His style of teaching is so personal and powerful . . .”

“Stearns always puts the human in you first.”

My Teaching Philosophy

Welcome to your voice lesson, where I am always happy you’re here. 
I believe that as a human being, singing is your birthright.
I believe that there is inherent joy in singing. Science says so!
I believe that every human has a unique relationship with their voice.
I believe this should be fun. So we laugh. A lot.
I believe in making mistakes, and learning from them.
I believe that what we’re working toward is you being able to access the tools we explore together when I’m not around.
I believe in your potential for success, and I acknowledge that success takes many forms.

Shall we sing?

You can book a lesson right here, in-person in
Philadelphia, or remotely (Zoom or FaceTime).